Hazy and Sour
Love a big hazy IPA? Yes we do.
Love a sour? Well obviously.
How about bringing the two styles together?
In this range we brew to a classic New England style pale ale formulation,
with plenty of oats and zero IBU. Then we ferment with the Pastore fresh
sour mixed culture. And then we dry-hop the hell out of it. And oftentimes
we’ll also blend onto some fruit for good measure.
We think the results speak for themselves - this range is a favourite
amongst the brewery team, with the fruity hops working beautifully with
Pastore’s trademark light zingy acidity. If a New England IPA is to be
described as ‘fruit juice’ then this style takes a step even further in that
direction with fruity hops, no bitterness and natural fruit acidity
Look out for ‘straight up’ variants, where the emphasis is left on the hops,
or fruited variants, where we seek to find the perfect marriage between
hop and fruit aromatics and flavours.